→Paper counter “PROTEC ADR 32 ST H”
General functions of PROTEC ADR 32 ST line
The PROTEC ADR 32 sheets counting machines are designed to count sheets of paper, cardboard and plastic up to 300/500/800 GSM depending on the model. The ream aligned by the operator under the counting head is counted on the corner without shifting the sheets. The counting is done sucking the sheets one by one without curling not scratching them. It is possible to activate the pack splitting system to divide the pack with tab insertion.
“PROTEC ADR 32 ST” line sheets counting machines are equipped with the original ADR 32 counting technology.
“PROTEC ADR 32 ST” is able to count paper, cardboard and plastics from about 40GSM to 300 GSM depending on the single model, achieving a fast speed of 3.000 sheets per minute without curling nor scratches on the sheets.
The same speed is practically achieved even during tab insertion. Easy settings with quick replacements of counting plates. There is an high margin of tolerance to curled sheets thanks to the newly introduced “Stabilizer” system.
Is fit for big size sheets and for heavy use, with a rugged structure and the best technical solutions. Object of continuous improvements down to the tiniest details drawing on a 30 years long experience.
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PROTEC ADR 32 ST line includes the following models:
Suitable for quantity control applications and for pack splitting into reams.