AMR Delivery Robot

Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) are advanced automation technology in the industrial space, aimed at increasing the efficiency of several processes, minimizing the cost of labour, and increasing the efficiency of work in the current world.

Intelligent handling enables seamless connectivity and rapid response at every stage of production planning, playing an irreplaceable role in intelligent manufacturing.

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    Benefits of AMR Delivery Robot

    • Improve efficiency by reducing repetititve and long-distance personnel movement
    • Reduce manpower and costs
    • No ceiling marking and no reconstruction
    • Flexible task assignment and continuous duty-cycle operation
    • Matching with Just-in-Time System to achieve precise production

    Customer's Success Story

    • Complete 46 km, 400 tasks per day on behalf
    • Offers quantitative and traceable records of delivery tasks
    • Flexible multi-bot collaboration for different demands
    • Offline deployment at large factory areas can be easily handled

    Automation helps reduce operation costs, labour costs, and more.

    The earlier you embark on Automation, the sooner your ROI!

    Not sure if AMR, AGV or Conveyor is better for your application?
    No worries, let us understand your requirement and visit your site to provide suggestion!
