Common Shrink Wrap Problems and How to Resolve Them

Flexible & Display Packaging / 04 Apr 2022

If you shrink wrap your products, you are likely to be bothered by at least one of the shrink wrapping problems. For example, torn seals, wrinkles, burn holes, or excessive film. These issues not only affect your product outlook but might also cause damage to your products. However, many people do not know that these issues can be resolved by adjusting your machine setting. Here are some of the common issues of Shrink Wrap and how to solve them.

The burn holes are due to applying too much heat to the shrink film. The conveyor speed might have been set too slow, with heat constantly heating the film, causing burn holes. It also occurs when there are not enough air evacuation holes, so the heat cannot escape the sealed film. Consequently, it may even damage your products. 

How to resolve:

  • Increase the number of air evacuation hole
  • Lower the temperature of the heat shrink tunnel
  • Increase the speed of the shrink tunnel conveyor

There are a few reasons that cause tears in your shrink output. Tears are often found because your shrink film is too thin or due to the high temperature of the sealing blade. If the seal pressure is applied unevenly or the sealing line is not positioned correctly will also cause a weak seal. You may also check whether the sealing cycle is too fast where it doesn’t have enough time to complete sealing.

How to resolve:

  • Lower the temperature of the sealing blade
  • Position the sealing line to be in the middle of the product
  • Modify the sealing blade to apply pressure evenly
  • Clean the surface of the sealing blade and sealing base
  • Replace the seal pad or seal tape if damaged
  • Lower the speed of the sealing cycle

Fish eyes are the circular patterns that appear on your shrink wrap output. Fish eyes often occur because the film is not heated sufficiently.

How to resolve:

  • Increase the shrink tunnel temperature
  • Increase the shrink tunnel blower speed
  • Slower down the conveyor speed

Crow’s feet are the wrinkles around the corner of your output. The primary possibility of crow’s feet can be due to excessive film use and insufficient heat. Also, you may need to check the conveyor speed or if the shrink film has too many air evacuation holes.

How to resolve:

  • Reduce the shrink film size
  • Increase the shrink tunnel temperature
  • Reduce the shrink tunnel conveyor speed
  • Decrease the number of air evacuation holes

Dog ear is the triangular shape on the corner of your output that usually happens when the shrink film is too big, so there will be excessive shrink film. Dog ear also happens if there is not enough shrinkage, for example, when your shrink tunnel blower speed is too slow or conveyor speed is too fast. You may also need to check the temperature of the shrink tunnel to ensure it provides sufficient heat to shrink the film.

How to resolve:

  • Use a smaller shrink film bag
  • Increase the blower speed
  • Decrease the shrink tunnel conveyor speed
  • Increase the shrink tunnel temperature

Zippering is the tearing surface on your shrink wrap. Zippering occurs because the perforate pin system is tearing the film. Sometimes, it also happens when there are not enough air evacuation holes.

How to resolve:

  • Modify the pressure of the pin perforator
  • Increase the number of air evacuation holes

You can improve your branding with a better product outlook by resolving these shrink-wrapping issues. Most importantly, it no longer causes damage to your products.

If you’ve been struggling with shrink wrap problems, Syspex is happy to help you!

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